A Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM) Conference for Female Identified & Non-Binary Students in 6th, 7th & 8th Grades
THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO ATTENDED OUR 2024 CONFERENCE Details about our 2025 Conference coming soon
"Why aren't there more girls in science, technology, engineering and math courses? "
In 1975 a group of professional women wondering about the reasons for this decided that not enough girls knew about women who had careers in STEM fields. They started brainstorming and their plan became the first "Expanding Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics" conference. The first conference was held in March 1976 at Mills College in Oakland, California. More than 200 young women attended and met women who were physicists, engineers, scientists, and physicians. Most of the girls came away from the conference with new ideas and the feeling that math and science were "okay". Expanding Your Horizons conferences have been held in cities across the United States. More than 625,000 youth have attended, participated, and enjoyed learning about career possibilities in the math and science fields in EYH events around the world since 1975. In Washington State, conferences are held in more than 10 cities throughout the year. The Expanding Your Horizons conference in Olympia is held in the spring. Organized and presented by a group of interested volunteers, our local conference has grown in attendance each year. Every spring more female identified and non-binary youth have an opportunity to explore what it might be like to have a career in math and science.